The Roger Williams Park Conservancy and Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation are partnering to present a series of informative, interactive presentations on different environmental topics, as part of the Conservancy’s commitment to conservation and stewardship. Events take place the 4th Monday of February, March and April from 5:30-6:30 PM at Roger Williams Park’s Dalrymple Boathouse; see a Park map.

Recycling Right… and Going Beyond the Bin!
Monday, February 24 | 5:30-6:30 PM

You recycle, right? But do you recycle right? If you’ve ever found yourself squinting to look for a recycling symbol on a product, arguing with your partner over a pizza box, or wondering what actually happens to your recycling when it leaves the curb in Rhode Island, get answers to these questions and more. (Facebook event)

Food Waste Prevention
Monday, March 23 | 5:30-6:30 PM
Did you know that Americans waste up to 40% of our food and that, globally, food waste contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, and thus climate change? Learn simple tactics for reducing household food waste – including tips for food shopping, storage and preparation – with the added benefit of saving money by keeping edible food out of the landfill. (Facebook event)

Home Composting for Everyone
Monday, April 27 | 5:30-6:30 PM

Curious about composting? Get the scoop on everything you need to know to start composting in your backyard: different ways to compost, what goes (and does not go!) in your compost bin, best practices for managing your bin, and tips for harvesting, applying, and supplementing your finished compost. (Facebook event)

FREE and open to the public!
Please register here for any of the events.

Questions? Email For event updates, follow the Roger Williams Park Conservancy on Facebook.

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