The Park is home to 28 pieces of art and architectural marvels. Have fun with a Self-Guided Tour and learn about each one.

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Abraham Lincoln Memorial

Providence’s only monument to Abraham Lincoln was commissioned by a bequest from jewelry manufacturer Henry W. Harvey in memory of his wife, Georgina.

Ferdinand II

The Ferdinand II statue was discovered in the ruins of a royal Neopolitan villa.

Fighting Gladiator

The Gladiator is a bronze replica of a marble Roman statue that sits today in the Louvre in Paris.

General Pulaski

The General Pulaski monument celebrates the Polish “Father of American Cavalry.”

Haitian Independence Memorial

The Haitian Memorial celebrates the Haitian Revolution and Haiti’s independence from colonial France in 1804.

Juan Pablo Duarte

This is Rhode Island’s only monument to this founding father of the Dominican Republic, Juan Pablo Duarte.

Lions Memorial

The Lions Memorial honors the community service of Rhode Island’s Lions Clubs.

Marconi Memorial

The Marconi Memorial is a tribute to the Italian who is credited for the groundbreaking invention of “wireless telegraphy,” or radio

Richard Deming Memorial

The Richard H. Deming Memorial is the only memorial to someone affiliated with the City of Providence.

Roger Williams Memorial

The Roger Williams Memorial is the first monument of its kind in Roger Williams Park.

Seal House

The Seal House was built by the Depression-era corps of Federal employees- the Works Progress Administration.

Sri Chinmoy

The Sri Chinmoy monument is dedicated to the Indian spiritual leader who founded the World Harmony Run.

The Bandmaster

The Bandmaster is a tribute to famous musician Bowen Church.

The Eagle

The Eagle is a tribute to the United States’ bicentennial in 1976.

The Falconer

The Falconer was a gift in memory of donor and industrialist Daniel Watson Lyman’s grandfather.

The Pancratiast

The Pancratiast is a bronze copy of a statue that ornamented the Baths of Constantine.

The Sea Lions

The Sea Lions are a tribute to the sea lions that once lived in this basin for the public to visit.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel is perhaps the Park’s most famous monument.

Union Soldier

The Union Soldier is one of Rhode Island’s many monuments to the men who fought to preserve the Union and to end slavery.

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