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RWPC Winter Warm Up Film Series; The Seltzer Factory at RWP Botanical Center
Thursday, January 16th at 7:00 PM
Doors open at 6:30, Talk back following the screening
Sponsored by the Providence Tourism Council
Seating limited so please reserve a free spot. Link to reserve a seat coming soon!
More screenings coming in February & March – stay tuned!!
About The Film
“From Dominican-American, Boston-based filmmaker and screenwriter, Paloma Valenzuela, ‘The Seltzer Factory ‘ is a short documentary film that delves into the story of her maternal family in Marghita, Hungary. In the film she explores her Jewish identity as a bi-racial Latina Jewish-American as she pieces together the connecting events that shaped her family’s story from Marghita to Oradea to Cleveland to the Dominican Republic to Boston.”