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Free Soil Testing & Ask a Master Gardener Information Kiosk on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month!
Dates for dropping off samples at RWPBC 3/5, 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, 5/7, 5/21, 6/4, 6/18, 7/2, 7/16, 8/6, 8/20, 9/3, 9/17, 10/1, & 10/15.
Kiosk provides science-based gardening information to visitors. Soil testers will provide an assessment of the soil pH, texture, and contents. Advice is given on how to improve soil for better plant growth.
RWPBC/URI Master Gardener volunteers conduct free soil pH testing as a service to the residents of Rhode Island. The test helps determine soil pH levels and predominant soil texture and provides basic information and recommendations for gradual correction of soil pH and compaction issues.
If you’d like to visit RWPBC after you drop off your sample you may purchase tickets in advance here: https://www.providenceri.gov/botanical-center/.
#rwpbotanicalcenter #rwpbc #pvdparks #providence #pvd
In the Central Region, URI Master Gardeners will be providing soil testing at the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, 1 Floral Ave, Providence on Saturdays from 10-2.
Instructions for Dropping off Sample at the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center:
- Take a soil sample using the instructions below.
- Bring your soil sample in a plastic bag with last name & date to the drop off box.
- Please take a form out of the box and clearly complete it and wrap the form around your sample with a rubber band or clip to bag with a paper clip (provided)and put back in the box.
- Leave your sample in the box outside. Please secure the lid.
- You will be contacted within a few days with the results of your test via phone or email per the preference marked on the form.
Instructions for taking a Soil Sample:
- Use a spade to collect a thin slice of soil from the root zone, 4-6 inches down.
- Take about 1/2 cup from each of several spots in the same area. Mix them together.
(Keep the samples from the lawn, vegetable garden, or flower beds separate.)
- Allow the soil to air dry on newspapers.
- Put about one cup of the soil into a clean plastic or paper bag. Label the bags, where they were from, (lawn, vegetables, or flowers)
- Bring it to the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center on the 1st or 3rd Saturday of the month between 10am-2pm.
Visit https://web.uri.edu/mastergardener/soil-testing-service/ to see a complete list of locations offering soil testing & to watch a video that shows you how to collect a sample!